update election March 11, 2003, what was
not discussed: Click Here Guest
opinion, Laws don't shield mobile-home
owners:Click Here
Home Parks, and resident mobile-home
owners:Click Here
Rogue Independent Editorial, February 12,
2002, TO BE FAIR:Click Here
Lloyd Marbet says "Money Is Not
Democracy:" Click Here
Point's City fees control initiative
appears necessary: Click
we can see the problem right here in
Shady Cove: Click
Adams quote in 1776, speaks
out on terrorism:
Click Here
So many
sides, but
terrorism must STOP:
Click Here
Bush's Team doing
well so far on terrorism: Click Here
"Granny D" Haddock speaks out
on terrorism: Click Here
US Citizen from
Afghanistan has insight we don't: Click Here
solve the Hijacking problem:Click
For Rogue Forum
Reader Questions, and Answers: Click Here
For real Shady
Cove people, fun / good news: Click Here
about some levity? Check
out A fractured Fairy Tale; . . . . The
Story of Shadywood Forest Click
filed in Federal Court today, charges
against Shady Cove Mayor, Police Chief
and Public Works Director!
learn more about this development:Click

From conversations with various people
who have spoken to Jackson County
officials and from State of Oregon, ORS;
This gerrymandering may not even apply
here. If the city were doing it
gerrymandering would apply, but the city
cannot provide a service to only part of
it's population. So it must be a private
water District with it's own directors,
for example, fire district 4. The
boundaries can and will be set by those
people that want the service and want to
be in the district. All who don't want or
need the service and whose property can
expand a proposed island or whose
property borders the proposed border
which is now the city limits, can
petition to be left out of the water
district. The law states all those who
can be reasonably be serviced by a
proposed district must have the
opportunity to opt in. As a water
district that should have no ties to the
City of Shady Cove, then the north east
area of Sam's valley, which has serious
water problems must be considered also as
it is only several miles distant.
The best argument I feel is that if
several islands are allowed, i.e.. mobile
home parks, then the upper limit of
islands in Shady Cove could be as high as
990 (number of parcels in SC).
Do we remember our proposal in the
beginning was that those areas with water
problems to form LID's to alleviate that
water problem and foot the bill
themselves as would be expected in a
capitalistic society.
We need to document all flaws and
defects in their propoal and counter with
our alternative proposal. Lets all hang
tough, and comedy may still be our best
weapon if it goes to a vote.
Gerrymandering does apply if areas ie.
Mobile Home Parks are annexed very
shortly into the district which will be
merged into the city. Why does the
district stay within the city limits?
Could it be for the impending merger to
take place that to be followed by
annexation? Vic Corchero

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