from Wayne Barns to Ric Holt, Feb. 6,
2002 click here Oh! that
totally confusing survey is back, let us
vote: click here
Rogue Water and Power Committee: click
District 4, Rural Taxpayers Beware ! click
Rural FD4, Beware
of that SC Grand Water plan: Click
Shady Cove Pro
and Con water system dialog: Click
Local waters
compared: Click
Hydro power generation check this
Our latest Press Release from the Mail
Tribune Letters to the Editor, July 30,
results promising
Monday morning July 16, a hard-working
group of core members of the Shady Cove
Upper Rogue Water and Power District
ventured up to the spring source complete
with a map, GPS unit, wooden stakes and
hatchets in hand. It was a month after
their first official field trip, and
their plan was to locate with a stake as
many spring sources as they could
access.Time was limited and much hiking
was required over difficult terrain, but
10 springs were located and marked. Those
members who had seen the Butte Falls
watershed remarked on how reminiscent the
topography and lush tree growth was to
well-known watershed. They took pictures
to compare the geographical similarities.
On Thursday, July 19, the group's
chairman, Will Hardy, delivered a formal
presentation for the URW and P District
to the Shady Cove City Council's study
session. It was delivered in a
well-defined format. The lack of bonded
indebtedness and pointed absence of
political control from the city as a
feature of this project awed many of
those who were present. Getting water to
residents with immediate need is a prime
goal of this group, which envisions a
nonmandatory hookup. For more
information, call Will Hardy at 878-2522
or Bob Hawkins at 878-8029 and for weekly
updates look at www.rogueforum.com.
- Dee Hawkins, Shady Cove

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