note from the depths of the legal
struggle. How best to report
this? Your thoughts? George
----- Original Message ----- From:
Misek-Falkoff To: denman@yahoogroups.com
Cc: include@att.net
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001
6:12 AM Subject: Thank You Re:
[denman] What dare on<e> say?
Responding to Letters.
Thank you all so much Bill and others
(prophetically? my keyboard's
exclamation point is missing along with
the number one).
Just short of a Motion To Quash (I will
have to remember that tool for the
future) Discovery is going ahead in spite
of the Opponent's letter to the Court. I
do have to wonder if the discovery is pro
forma to show pro se's get due process
for a while, but I want to hope there is
still a chance and we all can and will
hold the faith. Your posts came
just in time, and next week I should be
receiving the actual Motion, in
writing - rather than the Opponent
succeeding on a letter to the
Judge. then we shall as they say
as we shall see. I'd like to add to my
note of thanks for your actual shared
experience and formal knowledge,
something about my internal reaction to
your posts. I am rather emotional about
them (in a very positive sense).
Many of your are doing all you can and
really devoting your lives just to be
able to be with your families. that
seems so incredible. "Just"
becomes a very important word for surely
you are seeking justice in the most
fundamental areas of human
existence. I applaud you. I also
relate, and please forgive me if the
relation is not clear, but I am fighting
for name in court and that is what I
have. On the phone this week the
opponent's council (an attorney
celebrity) admitting that he has to talk
to me has lambasted me so ferociously
about my life that in describing it and
reading notes to a lawyer I sometimes see
the latter advised me I should have
hung up and written a refusal to deal on
the telephone. We were discussing
interrogatory objections when the
opponent counsel just started tearing
into me personally over and over.
I don't know how you personally cope with
such, but I'm coming out of beingvery
shaken for a few days. Which brings me to
this and this was verified by a
professional: it's so like a Rape case
and them blaming the victim and trying to
get away from the issues and prove you
are so damaged that they could not have
harmed you. From what I have seen of the
suffering of parents away from their
children the analogy seems apt.
I want to apologize to those here, in the
name of the culture, because when I read
about the blacklisting, the jailing, the
mud-slinging around custody (and I also
volunteer with folks trying to just be
with their kids and have assisted in
quite a few cases) it's hard to imagine
how cruel this all is and how you
survive, but you do, and one feels such
pride in you.
Grandma in situ, :) L.
Individual post and view, from L. D.
Misek-Falkoff, Ph.D., J.D. Speaker, and
Chronic Pain Caucus Chair : http://www.disabilityparty.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Wood (BellSouth)"
To: <denman@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: <include@att.net>
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 4:16 PM
Subject: RE: [denman] What dare on say?
Responding to Letters.
> File a Motion to Quash, THEIR
Motion for summary judgment and allege
that you believe that the discovery may
prove that the opposing side has engaged
in criminal conduct and that is why they
the judge's previous order setting out a
discovery schedule. Allege also in your
Motion that they had no previous
objection when the Court ordered the
discovery schedule and their current
order is nothing more than a mockery of
the court and this particular judge's
orders. That they believe THEY own
and control that judge's court and that
they can get that judge to ignore his own
previous orders that they did not object
See what happens then :)
> Just an idea based in divide and
conquer :)
> Bill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: L Misek-Falkoff
>sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 9:43
> To: denman@yahoogroups.com
> Cc: include@att.net
> Subject: [denman] What dare on say?
Responding to Letters.
> Greetings:
> Any experience with this? I
have received a copy of a letter the
sent to the Judge. In it,
defendants counsel (they aren't pro
se) says he is going to make a
motion for summary judgmen on
jurisdiction in a few> weeks. He
wants discovery to stop right now (he
wrote to the court after receiving my
Interrogatories; his are due Friday the
3st). I have seen this before: they want
no discovery until their 'motion to
dismiss or for summary judgment' -
then pending decision they want
none. The judge ordered the
> discovery and set the schedule; and
discovery was to run current with service
of papers. The thing is he has an
exhibit I think is unsupportive of his
claims. If I write to the
court(cc'd to them) it's one more
time the opposition gets advance
discovery; if I don't, then what? Why
didn't they just serve their motion?
Queasy in NY, :) L.
> L. D. Misek-Falkoff, Ph.D., J.D.
Speaker, and Chronic Pain Caucus Chair :
> The National Disability Party -
Cannadays, Founders 2000:
> http://www.disabilityparty.com
> ==> NEW: http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/pain-in-the-law
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