Independent Editor failed
to note the many Upper
Rogue Folks who make the
program work and to honor
the recent passing of
Joyce Daniel who for so
many years was the prime
contact to those Upper
Rogue citizens in need. EULOGY,
to the Upper Rogues most
missed treasure:
here Also
editor should have been
noted that Vic Corchero's
mission was to educate
the Council on reasons
for current animosities
being developed within
Shady Cove and was
thanked by Mayor
P.S. Vic had
already scheduled as he
did state and did meet
with Park management on
May 17, 2002.

Original Message ----- From:
Hawkins To: Nancy
Leonard Sent:
Thursday, May 09, 2002
8:13 PM Subject:
The Truth Hurts!
Shady Cove It Aint
Last week in
The Independent
article about the latest
Shady Cove council
meeting neatly disguised
as: Food and
Friends a very neat
fallacy was perpetrated
upon the residents of
Shady Cove. And that is
the idea that the
proposed water district
is only for the needy few
in a limited area of our
city. To be cost
effective ALL of the
residents must be
included to pay off the
debt and they know it.
Richard Patterson of
Leisure Days was only
getting his renters ready
for the inevitable
hook-ups by being
prophetic with them. To
any of you residents who
have any doubts about
being signed, sealed, and
delivered to this water
district make a friendly
call to city hall and ask
for a print out of your
sewer bill. There you
will find water
conveniently placed on
the form for future
reference. ( And we
aint even voted
yet!) Mr. Corchero who
was reporting to the
council and grateful
mayor is often made out
by the esteemed editor of
this paper as being
chronically wrong in his
opposition to the
policies of the present
administration.. But more
often than not he is in
the know about our local
issues. Another golden
opportunity was missed
with the omission of a
word of thanks to a great
volunteer who recently
passed away. Joyce
Daniels was instrumental
in the Food and Friends
Program and is
respectfully remembered
for her work on the rogue
Yes, Nancy
we sadly read every word
that you write about
local politics. And just
like the wind, we know
that directions can
change. Be fair, be
honest and report the
truth. For shame if you
do not.
Dee Hawkins
Shady Cove,
P.S. Print
this if you dare!
C.C. Mail
C.C. Rogue
River Press